Roland JD-08 Patches for Ambient and Techno: “Fauna” Sound Pack

No doubt, Roland’s JD-800 is a modern classic. So much so that Roland brought back the classic sample-based sound engine in their boutique-series format. Unfortunately, though, Roland decided to also only include the original presets and a tiny amount of “modern” sounds. Good for us! Therefore, we could deliver a sound pack for contemporary music. “Fauna” is a preset collection with 64 Roland JD-08 patches best suited to Ambient, Electronica, and Techno. But as always, they fit equally well into other musical genres.
After the “Islands” sound pack for the Roland JU-06a and “Colors” preset collection for the Roland SH-01a, “Fauna” is our third sound set for Roland’s boutique series. It covers lots of atmospheric pads, ranging from warm and subtle strings to crystalline textures. A broad selection of powerful basses and complex leads serve as a great starting point for Melodic Techno productions or hypnotic Ambient tracks.
Given the targeted genres, most of the Roland JD-08 Patches in this pack are purely electronic. But as the sound engine of the JD-08 is sample-based, you’ll also find a selection of hybrid sounds. These provide an interesting blend of acoustic and electronic elements, always with electronic music production in mind.
Fauna includes 64 Roland JD-08 Patches
- Pads: 18
- Leads: 16
- Bass: 16
- Acoustic / Electronic Combos: 6
- SFX & Drones: 8
Easy installation
Before transferring sound sets to your synth, please backup your patches! In order to transfer the Roland JD-08 presets you’ll only need to copy the sysex-files to the internal drive of your JD-08.
First, connect the JD-08 to a Mac or PC via USB and start the unit in “drive mode” by pressing and holding the EXIT button. It will take about 20-30 seconds to boot.
Second, open the JD-08 drive on your computer and make sure to backup your existing library first by copying the JD-08 backup file to your computer. This is important because the next steps will erase your patches.
Inside the downloaded sound pack folder, you’ll find a folder named „backup“.
Third, copy (drag and drop) the backup-file included in the Fauna library folder to the “RESTORE” folder located in the “JD-08” drive. If the „RESTORE“ folder doesn’t appear in the JD-08 drive, you have to manually create one.
After copying is completed, disconnect your JD-08 safely via “eject”. Now, press the PAGE / TIE button on the JD-08 (lower right corner). The restore operation begins, and the [PAGE/TIE] button blinks. “donE” is displayed once the restore operation is finished. Turn off the power and reboot your unit. The patches can be found in Bank D.
Enjoy the patches and make some great music.
Single User, royalty-free for commercial or home use
This Sound Set is a digital item
The download link will be provided via email upon purchase.
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- Novation Peak Patches for Ambient and Techno: “Permafrost”
I’d really like to buy this pack, but the instructions on how to load the files into the JD-08 drive don’t make sense. Somehow, both the contents of the existing backup folder and the new folder need to end up on the drive, but the instructions don’t make it clear exactly how that needs to be. Can you clarify?
Hi Michael, I’ve updated the instruction manual a bit. The important step is to erase the existing backup on your JD-08 before copying the Fauna Sound Pack to the restore folder on your JD-08. As the Fauna sound pack later will become automatically the “new” backup on your JD-08 hardware, you have to avoid a conflict of two existing backup files in the unit by deleting the older one first.
hello,does this mean the fauna pack will load banks a b and c with original patches and the bank d with new ones? or will we end with an empty c bank in the middle or nor factory patches? regards!
Yes. Banks A and B reflect the original state without any changes. As Bank C, other than some patches in the beginning, has been left empty by Roland, it still contains lots of “init” presets, though. Bank D includes the Fauna Pack.
i “limbic”, I just bought this sound set, and something else confuses me. If I get a second sound expansion collection, either from you or someone else, how to I combine your restore file and include a new set of presets as well? I don’t see any mention of this anywhere. Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi Marc, thanks for your support. Yes, unfortunately, that’s the way Roland decided to handle patch exchange on the JD-08. Unless Roland doesn’t offer intelligent backup software or at least the option to decide where to import and export single banks you can only use one bank at the same time. Even worse: Let’s say I’ve used Bank D and Sounddesigner “X” used Bank C. You still have to always back up and restore the full unit and still can’t use both banks.
This is not only far from being ideal for me as a sound designer. Also, as a musician, I find this handling pretty annoying and can only hope that Roland offers a solution for that in the future. If that happens: Please reach out to me and I’ll try to update the pack, accordingly.
I will. Thanks much for the detailed reply!
Is there any list of the FAUNA Presets with its category?
unfortunately not, but the presets have been categorized into groups, starting with pads, than basses, leads and so on.