Roland S-1 Patches for Ambient and Electronica: Colors Sound Pack

After the Roland S-1 “Arctic” sound set, “Colors” is the second preset collection for this AIRA synth. Colors is the adapted version of the Roland SH-01a Colors Soundpack. It includes 64 Roland S-1 patches with a strong focus on Ambient and Electronica. The diverse mix provides 17 pads, numerous basses, and leads, as well as a small selection of percussion sounds.
Stylistically, Colors moves between warm retro sounds with tape flair, contemporary Melodic Techno leads, and powerful basses. If you enjoy artists like Boards of Canada, Tycho, or Rival Consoles, the S-1 Colors Pack is a great choice.
“Colors” includes 64 Roland S-1 Patches for Ambient and Electronica:
- Lead: 23
- Bass: 16
- Pad: 17
- Percussion: 8
Save 25 % with the Roland S-1 Arctic Colors Bundle
For those who decide to get both Roland S-1 sound sets, you’ll receive them in a bundle at an even more affordable price. This bundle also includes the Roland S-1 Arctic sound pack.
Easy installation
To transfer the Roland S-1 patches you’ll only need to copy the sysex-files to the internal drive of your S-1. Please refer to the manual for further details.
Single User, royalty-free for commercial or home use
This Sound Set is a digital item
The download link will be provided via email upon purchase.
Presumably the listing past 16 is bank 1 – 1?
I bought this recently and was wondering about the pdf listing that shows 1 – 64 under the ‘preset number’
17 = 2- 1
18 = 2-2
yes, that’s correct. 1 = 1-1, 2 = 1-2 (…) 33 = 3-1 and so on
i bought this and the download link no longer works :c
Hi Lane,
please write a mail to contact /at/ with your order number and I’ll send you a fresh download link.
i downloaded colors sound pack and Arctic pack, copied the restore folders from the packs into the s1 restore folders, ejected the s1 pusted the hold button and restarted the s1 but i only hear the presets 1-16 that came with the s1, werd can i find the sound pack? 😒
Occasionally, the new patches don’t install if there are already any files in the BACKUP directory. So it might help to delete these from the S-1 folder after backing them up.
Also, please note that the S-1 has only 64 preset slots so you have to decide if you prefer Arctic or Colors. Installing both at the same time won’t work. There can only be one Restore Folder with either “Arctic” or “Colors” inside, and one empty Backup-folder – just in case.
i got it 😅. Awesome.